Online advertising, also called digital marketing, is critical to businesses in the modern economy. Online advertising, compared to other forms of advertising, is cost-effective. Cost-effectiveness in marketing is generally measured by the CPM(cost per 1000 impressions). Online advertising also has the potential to reach a larger, more global audience. On the other hand, television ads have a more localized reach or at least a relatively localized reach. Online advertising is also easier to produce, gather data, and change if needed.

Online Advertising Platforms

The most common platforms used for online advertising are Google Ads, Google Shopping Ads, Google Discovery campaigns, YouTube Ads, Amazon Ads, and Facebook(now Meta) Instagram Ads. Other advertising platforms include advertisements on Instagram, Pinterest, TikTok, and Twitter(now X).

Google Ads is ideal for e-commerce businesses wanting to increase brand awareness or acquire new customers. YouTube ads are effective for sharing educational or informational content. Google Shopping Ads allows e-commerce businesses that want to boost brand awareness or acquire new customers, similar to Google Ads. Google Discovery campaigns are designed to reach users most likely interested in a product or service. Amazon ads are similar to Google platforms in that advertisers bid on keywords and placements to show their products in search results.

Optimizing digital ads

Google recommends some tips to optimize advertising online. For example, video ads should only run for about 20 to 30 seconds at most. The average viewer isn’t likely to watch for much longer than that. Intuitively, anyone who has spent time online watching videos is likely aware of this. Additionally, for video ads, the first 3-5 seconds are the most critical for catching the attention of potential customers.

Also, keep ads at the optimal size for the platform. Ads on Instagram should have an aspect ratio of 9 by 16. On the other hand, ads on YouTube should have an aspect ratio of 16 to 9. An ad displayed on a YouTube short should have an aspect ratio of 9 by 16.

Advertisers should keep in mind their target audience and create ads, including video ads that your potential customers will like, and place the ads wherever your potential customers are most likely to be, whether that’s on social media, billboards on a busy intersection, YouTube videos, or somewhere else. Advertisers determining their target audience was discussed in-depth in a previous blog post. Generally, advertisers will determine their target audience during the awareness stage of the marketing funnel.

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