Smart campaigns(not to be confused with a SMART marketing campaign) are advanced shopping campaigns that use machine learning technology to optimize for more sales and reach Google shoppers across Google’s sites and networks. Smart campaigns have many advantages and disadvantages compared to campaigns that are done manually.

Advantages of Smart Campaigns

Smart campaigns are easier to set up and utilize for people new to advertising online. Smart campaigns also save a company or business money. Smart campaigns are passive advertising and require less set-up. They are designed to optimize existing shopping ad products and utilize automatic bidding. Smart campaigns also allow companies or businesses to start advertising from your e-commerce platform immediately.

Disadvantages of Smart Campaigns

While smart campaigns have many advantages, they also have a few significant disadvantages. Smart campaigns allow limited campaign goals, keyword options, and budgeting control.

Smart Bidding

Smart bidding is a subset of automated bidding strategies that use machine learning to optimize for conversions. Smart bidding strategies should maximize conversions and set your ROAS(return on ad spend). ROAS was discussed in depth in a previous blog post. For Google to make smart decisions, it needs enough conversion data.

When to run campaigns

Intuitively, campaigns should generally focus on periods when customers are much more likely to buy products or services from a business or company due to favorable weather conditions or special events. This is also called the on-season. Similar to having a professional sports league is in the on or off-season. The off-season is when none of the teams or players are actively competing. Generally, for most professional sports teams, this is in the fall, winter, and spring. Of course, businesses or companies cannot just take time off during off-seasons. During the off-season, when traffic isn’t as high, a company can prepare for the on-season by growing its database(presumably, this would be business data stored in an Excel spreadsheet or a MySQL database), increasing its presence on social media and creating quality content on their website or other applications. Essentially, during the off-season, a company should build brand awareness.

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