Digital marketing can take many forms, including marketing on social media platforms like Twitter(now X), Facebook(now Meta), Instagram, etc. Social media marketing also involves tracking and analyzing conversations and trends related to your brand. Intuitively, social listening is more relevant to larger businesses or companies.

How to engage on social media

Generally, a social media platform like Twitter or Instagram, which use algorithms, requires more frequent engagement than a platform like Facebook. For a platform like Facebook, one post a day will likely suffice. A marketing team should engage multiple times daily on algorithm-based platforms like Twitter. On such platforms as Twitter, it’s recommended that your company or business has a creative biography that your posts use hashtags and include a lot of visuals. On a platform like Twitter, the length of each message is limited to a certain number of characters. Additionally, this means that on a platform like Facebook, marketers would engage with the audience differently.

A marketing team on social media should write and speak like your audience. Tailor posts to each platform. Facebook posts will be different than tweets. Marketers should have short and simple posts, even on a platform like Facebook. Posts on any platform should avoid jargon, and posts should be broken up using headlines and ordered and unordered lists. Write sentences and paragraphs that are short and include a call to action. Additionally, pay attention to grammar and spelling.

Responding to customer feedback

In response to positive feedback, acknowledge the comment, thank the user, and consider reposting or retweeting their feedback. If you are responding to general feedback or questions, provide a brief response with clear enthusiasm. Always respond to comments in your brand voice. If your brand voice is creative and friendly, don’t be afraid to use creative language and exclamation marks.

In response to negative comments, like trying to resolve an issue or criticism, remain calm and use helpful, polite, and approachable language. If needed, offer refunds or promotional codes to correct the situation. Furthermore, in resolving customer complaints or problems, encourage them to send you a direct message, usually abbreviated as DM(for example, someone might say, “Send me a DM.”. If it appears this problem could involve other customers, answer it publicly so everyone who views your social media accounts can benefit as well. Lastly, as far as trolls go, ignore them and don’t respond to any of their comments. If anyone needed clarification on what a troll is, a troll intentionally antagonizes others online by posting inflammatory, unnecessary, or offensive comments or other disruptive content.

In general, any comments from social media require thoughtful and considerate replies, whether the comments are positive, general feedback, or negative.  The only comments you don’t respond to are trolls. For trolls, either ignore, block, or mute the user.

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